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A lithium-ion battery, used to power some OpenAPS rigs
An insulin pump made by Medtronic which in turn can minimise hypos when used with the appropriate CGM
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An insulin pump made by Medtronic which can minimise hypos and hypers when used with the appropriate CGM. Using the correct modes and CGM it becomes a closed-loop insulin pump
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6-step APP development pathway
The Six Step Artificial Pancreas Project Development Pathway. Defines the (much used) six steps towards a full artificial pancreas, to which closed-loop sytems are mapped
see HbA1c
The acronym for AndroidAPS
Abbott is a pharmaceutical company, most recently famous for making the Freestyle Libre glucose sensor
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The brand name for Roche’s diabetes-related products including BG meters, and insulin pumps such as the Combo and the Insight
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Advanced meal assist
see AMA
Ambrosia Systems is the company which produces the Blucon range of products which read data from Libre sensors
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DIY closed loop software based on OpenAPS. Runs on an Android phone to read CGM data from various sources and control an insulin pump using TBRs
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Artificial Pancreas. The commonly used words to describe a system comprising of a CGM, a program and an insulin pump which regulates a person's glucose levels
API secret
A special password which is defined for a Nightscout site. Any apps which need to store data in Nightscout, e. g. xDrip+, Spike, need both the site's URL and API secret to be able send data
An Android PacKage file, containing a program to be installed on an Android phone. Used extensively with the DIY community programs such as xDrip, NSClient
Artificial Pancreas System. See AP
The BG forecast lines which can be shown on a Nightscout website
Autosens for AndroidAPS
auto mode
On the MiniMed 670G used with Guardian 3 sensors this mode combines predictive low-glucose suspend with micro-boluses to aim to keep the wearer in target
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OpenAPS functionality which adjusts settings automatically when you are more sensitive or resistant to insulin
A process which takes CGM data, TBR information, carb and insulin information and suggests what basal rates should be. Part of OpenAPS which often refreshes overnight, but also available in other ways
Microsoft's cloud hosting. Used to host Nightscout websites initially although many people have switched to Heroku
Banting juice
Another name for insulin
Insulin which caters for the normal base requirements for each day. For MDI this is given as one or more injections per days. Insulin pumps deliver using the basal rate. Also known as background insulin
Basal rate
A rate, normally in units per hour, of insulin which an insulin pump will deliver
An insulin treatment method using two different types of insulin and usually consisting of at least 4 or 5 injections a day. Basal (or background) insulin is long-lasting and has a fairly flat, even activity profile designed to deal with the trickle of energy released by the liver throughout the day to fuel the body's background needs. Bolus (or mealtime) insulin is rapid-acting and is given before eating to allow the body to process the energy (carbohydrates) in food and snacks
The functionality used by the Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump to prevent low glucose
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Modular online learning for managing Type 1 Diabetes from BERTIE (Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
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Beta Bionics
Beta Bionics is a company/organisation which is working on a bionic pancreas named the iLet
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Blood Glucose level
Blood Glucose Impact - current insulin activity (first derivative of IOB ) multiplied by insulin sensitivity ( ISF )
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Bigfoot Biomedical is a company working on a brand new closed-loop system. Several of the founders have also been from the start with many of the WeAreNotWaiting projects such as Nightscout
bionic pancreas
The term for a closed-loop system developed by Beta Bionics. This differs from a closed-loop system by using both insulin and glucagon to regulate a PWD's glucose levels. The initial iLet system released will be insulin-only although still referred to as a bionic pancreas
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Bluetooth Low Energy. The wireless technology used by many of the #WeAreNotWaiting community devices
A group of devices from Ambrosia Systems which attach to the Freestyle Libre sensor to allow bluetooth connectivity with other devices/apps
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Bluetooth tethering
Is a process of allowing one device to connect to another via Bluetooth. In looping terms it is commonly used in OpenAPS so that a rig can use a phone's internet connection
An amount of insulin given to deal with any food carbs/fat/protein consumed
Usually refers to either "master" or "dev" branch of software source code in Github. The "master" branch contains the latest stable version which has been approved for release whereas the "dev" branch will contain work in progress features that are being worked on for future versions
Bolus Wizard Preview. An area of Nightscout which suggests how much insulin is required to help a person achieve their target glucose level. Calculations are made using parameters the Nightscout site owner programmes and are easier to use than trying to figure out the correct TBR or bolus at 2am in the night
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Cannula Age - How many days a cannula has been inserted. Shown on a Nightscout site
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For insulin pumps it's the bit which sits on your skin and has a tiny tube or needle which goes under your skin to deliver the insulin
carb counting
A way of calculating insulin doses based on the amount of carbohydrate in a meal or snack and a person's sensitivity to insulin and blood glucose level before eating. Used alongside basal/bolus insulin regime
carb ratio
see CR
Care Portal
Place within Nightscout to detail activities (such as set changes, sensor starts, temporary basals). Also included with AndroidAPS and NSClient
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Capillary Blood Glucose - the clinical name for Blood Glucose Monitoring, where a person checks the current level of their blood glucose using a test strip
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Continuous Glucose Monitor. A device which continuously checks a person's glucose values and sends a reading ever few minutes, often 5 minutes, to a device. Many now use phones for their display. Also stands for Continuous Glucose Monitoring, which is the term for using a CGM
CGM in the Cloud
The Facebook group created in April 2014 for people to share information and ideas about getting CGM data into the Cloud
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The name within GitHub of the project/code used to create a Nightscout web site
The question is not why chapstick appears in this dictionary, it's actually "European or American chapstick?". Dana M Lewis's photos often show a chapstick for size comparison but European and American chapsticks are different sizes. It's turned into a community in joke
Clarity is Dexcom's reporting software which Dexcom users can use to find out trends and do analysis and all that clever stuff
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Term within GitHub when you copy someone's (or your own) code
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A system which uses CGM data and an insulin pump to automatically regulate a user's glucose levels
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Carbs On Board - How much carbohydrate is still active in your body and can be raising your glucose levels. Shown on a Nightscout site
The Accu-Chek Combo insulin pump which can be used with AndroidAPS
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combo bolus
Another name for a multi-wave bolus
The process of turning computer program code into a program, which will run on a computer or device. Commonly used with AndroidAPS to make the apk files
Carbohydrate Portion - Usually measured as 10g of carbohydrate is equal to 1CP. Dividing by 10 can make the calculations easier (and shorter to record) however most clinics are now measuring carbohydrate in grams (g). Used as part of DAFNE
Carbohydrate Ratio - A measurement of how much insulin you need for a given amount of carbohydrate in grams (g) or carbohydrate portions (CP)
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Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion. In plain English, everyone who uses an insulin pump uses this method to get their insulin into their body
CGM system made by POCTech
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Child with Diabetes
CWD (organisation)
A community and organisation who put on big FFL conferences in USA, several times a year
Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating. A multi day structured education course, focussed around carbohydrates and eating
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Either referring to Dana M Lewis (creator of OpenAPS, also see DIYPS) or an insulin pump range made by SOOIL
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Insulin pump made by SOOIL which can be used with AndroidAPS
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Insulin pump made by SOOIL which can be used with AndroidAPS. Replaced the DanaR
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dawn effect
dawn phenomenon
Early-morning increase in blood sugar, usually upon waking or just before. Also known as the dawn effect
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A diabetes tech conference where companies and DIY community developers meet. Was where the hashtag #WeAreNotWaiting was coined
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Deliberately non-compliant
This term has been happily re-worked as a badge of honour by many loopers. NOTE: It is not okay for a HCP to label a person with Diabetes as 'deliberately non-compliant' #LanguageMatters
The change in blood glucose between two CGM readings
How much actual BG change is deviating from the BGI
The company who make the much-loved CGM G4, G5 and G6
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The original name for the device now called xDrip, or xBridge
Duration Insulin Action - How long it takes for an insulin dose to be completely used by your body (typically 3-7 hours)
A French company who make closed-loop systems. They were awarded a CE mark in November 2018 for their DBLG1 system, which uses a Kaleido insulin pump
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Diasend software can be used to upload diabetes data, from many blood glucose meters and pumps. It has many different reports which provide a good insight into trends and stuff like that. Some people do uploads at home, others do it whilst at their clinic/hospital
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The disconnect between brain and body when hypo. But also, the feeling you have when leaving a clinic appointment with a poorly educated HCP
DIY Pancreas System by Dana M. Lewis
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Diabetic Ketoacidosis. A very dangerous condition resulting from high blood glucose levels where acidic ketones build up in the bloodstream and risk damaging internal organs. Signs of DKA are nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, fruity breath odor, and rapid breathing. Untreated DKA can lead to coma and death - emergency treatment is urgently required if DKA is suspected
Diabetes Online Community. A community of PWD , CWD and PoCWD . Often found on any SoMe options, such as Twitter and Facebook groups
door handle moment
That time during every tethered pump wearer's life when they catch the tube on a door handle. Best practice when purchasing a new house is to check each door handle to see how high it is in relation to your pump and tube, if the ratio isn't right, don't buy the house. Open plan living really does have some advantages
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Dr Dover's Dictionary
Way back in April 2018 Dr Anna Dover suggested a dictionary was created for all the tech words used by the DIY community. I (Kev) stupidly agreed and in October 18 this dictionary was born. Then came the difficult decision of what's a tech word and what isn't, so we started adding loads of non-tech words and gave myself a bigger job, oh great, haha!
Diabetes Specialist Nurse
dual-wave bolus
A multi-wave bolus for Medtronic pumps
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Diagnosis or diagnosed, eg "How long since your Dx?"
Extended boluses used in normal pump use are not used in looping systems and also would cause issues. Instead eCarbs are used to help define how long the carbs in the meal are likely to last. The looping software uses this information in its calculations and can help the looper deal with fat and protein too
A computer chip made by Intel until 2018, which became the heart of many OpenAPS systems
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CGM system by Medtronic, used with their Veo and 640g pumps
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CGM system which uses an implantable sensor and lasts 90 days
Explorer board. A printed circuit board (PCB) designed, manufactured and distributed by the DIY looping community
Explorer Board
A PCB designed, manufactured and distributed by the DIY looping community. For use with an Intel Edison chip
Explorer HAT
A PCB with screen, designed, manufactured and distributed by the DIY looping community. For use with a Pi0WH (aka Pi Zero with headers) chip
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extended bolus
A pump bolus which delivers a slow bolus over an amount of time . Also known as a square wave bolus
fasting blood glucose
A BG measurement not affected by food intake. Usually refers to the first blood glucose meassurement of the day, taken soon after waking and before eating breakfast
The USA's Food and Drug Administration organisation. Within the USA they regulate a lot of things, including medical devices etc
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Friends for Life. Conferences for families of children with diabetes (CWD) held in USA, Canada and UK
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Flash Glucose Monitor(ing), as used by the Freestyle Libre by Abbott. The acronym is rarely used in the UK these days - due to its other possible meaning - but as it has been used in publications and tweets it's been included in this dictionary. Personally I just say 'flash monitoring'
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Synonym for BG check using a test strip
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Software which runs a piece of hardware. For looping this is really important for some insulin Medtronic pumps as the firmware revision dictates whether the pump is loopable
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Loading new firmware onto a piece of hardware, such as loading Jubilinx on the Intel Edison to use in an OpenAPS rig
flash glucose
Referring to the way Freestyle Libre results are obtained, by 'flashing' the reader over the sensor every now and then
flash monitoring
This is another term for the glucose collection method used by the Freestyle Libre by Abbott
forecast line
Used with GitHub when you take a copy of someone's code but keep your version linked to theirs. This is what is done for Nightscout and OpenAPS, for example
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Fat and Protein Units. An extension to carb counting is to take accout of the fat and protein too, often using the Warsaw Method. It's complicated but some people have success with it
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Freestyle Libre
A glucose monitoring system made by Abbott, which provides interstitial glucose readings to a reader or phone via NFC and/or Bluetooth. If you're interested it's pronounced Lee-bray, but you can say Lee-bruh if you want, no-one will mind. The original version needs to be swiped with a reader using NFC. The second version, announced in October 2018, will also send alarm information to the reader via Bluetooth
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Shortened version of Dexcom G4. The CGM system from Dexcom introduced in 2013, with a new sensor and transmitter design, and improved accuracy
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Shortened version of Dexcom G5. The CGM system from Dexcom introduced in 2015, which introduced Bluetooth connectivity, meaning that sensor readings could be sent to a mobile phone directly
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Shortened version of Dexcom G6. The CGM system from Dexcom introduced in 2018, which introduce 10 day wear for a sensor and no fingerstick checks, due to its improved MARD
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The home of Open Source software
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The place where techies and developers go to chat
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A mobile phone app that can read Libre sensor data either directly via an NFC scan, or from a transmitter. Nowadays people use devices which sit on top of a Libre sensor, such as Blucon, LimiTTer and MiaoMiao
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CGM system by Medtronic
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Glycemic Variability. A measure of how much glucose levels vary over a period
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Glycemic Variability Index. A measure of how much glucose levels vary over a period
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The Hackabetes Artificial Pancreas Project. An open-loop program created by Tim Omer which uses xDrip+ CGM readings to suggest TBRs to make manually to an insulin pump
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A word (or phrase with no spaces) preceded by the hash sign eg #doc #diabetes #bgnow. Hashtags are used to collect streams of content or for searches in several social media channels, particularly Twitter. Hashtags are also important in participating in tweetchats
A hardware component that can be added to an OpenAPS rig, e. g. an Explorer HAT that contains a radio and screen to allow the computer to talk to the phone and pump and display information
A blood test carried out at clinic which shows how much glucose has been in the bloodstream during the last 3 months. Glucose sticks to red blood cells, so the more sugar travelling around in your blood, the more sticks to the red blood cells. Red blood cells live for approximately 120 days, so the amount of glucose stuck to red blood cells gives an ‘average’ of your blood glucose levels over the last 3 months
Health Care Professional - A medically qualified professional
Cloud web site hosting. It's used to host Nightscout websites and more frequently used for new installs, in comparison to Azure which was the original option
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An education programme for PWD in Solihull, Birmingham: "Learn how to count the carbohydrate in your food and adjust your insulin to match what you eat and your lifestyle. Opportunity to spend time with others with Type 1 Diabetes and learn from each other’s experiences. The course runs 1 day a week over 4 weeks. "
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Hot Button
An Android app which allows you to connect to your OpenAPS rig
Heads Up Display, used in cars to display information on a clear panel in front of the driver. Nightscout information can now be displayed like this, meaning you can see your glucose level whilst you're driving
Hyperglycaemia - high blood glucose. People with diabetes are generally advised to aim for blood glucose no higher than 9mmol/L by 2 hours after a meal. Everyone, whether living with diabetes or not, will have fluctuations in blood glucose levels throughout the day. But in the case of type 1 diabetes, those fluctuations are likely to be greater. Symptoms of high blood glucose can include tiredness or lethargy, headache, increased thirst, blurred vision, increased need to unirate. Sustained exposure to high blood glucose is associated with diabetic complications such as blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage. In severe cases high blood glucose in type 1 diabetes can lead to a dangerous condition known as DKA
Short for hypoglycaemia - low blood glucose. People with type 1 diabetes are generally advised to keep blood glucose above 4. 0mmol/L to avoid hypoglycaemia. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include hunger, anxiety, pale skin, sweating, shakiness, tiredness, blurred vision or flashing lights, lack of concentration, mood swings. In more severe cases hypoglycaemia can lead to siezure, unconsciousness, coma and death
Insulin to carbohydrate ratio. The amount of carbohydrates which which equal 1 unit of insulin. Tailored not just to the individual, but to the time of day too. Also written as CR, IC and ICR
See I:C
Integrated Continuous Glucose Monitor. iCGM is a new classification from the FDA which it hopes to classify devices as, and speed up further developments
See I:C
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Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus, or T1DM, or Type 1 to you and me
IF This Then That - A web based system for carrying out an action when another action has already occurred
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A bionic pancreas system developed by Beta Bionics
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infusion set
The part of an insulin pump that delivers insulin into the body. A small tube or 'cannula', made of Teflon coated plastic or steel, is inserted under the skin. Infusion sites are rotated every 2 or 3 days. Depending on the type of pump the infusion set is connected to the pump via a length of tubing or connected directly to a 'patch pump'. Infusion set/set and infusion site/site are all used to describe the same thing
The Roche Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump, which can be used with AndroidAPS (development testing only). Initially was meant to replace the Combo pump
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Insulin For All
#InsulinForAll is a movement which highlights lack of access to insulin in many countries and campaigns to make insulin more affordable and accessible for those who need it
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insulin pump
A small device, about the size of a pager, that delivers insulin through a tube inserted under the skin. A pump only uses rapid-acting insulin and delivers a continual trickle of 'basal' (background) insulin 24 hours a day. Insulin pumps offer more precise doses down to tiny fractions of a unit and usually offer help in calculating 'bolus' doses for meals or snacks, based on carbohydrate information you supply
Insulin On Board - How much insulin is still active in your body and can be reducing your glucose levels. A key part of the calculations used by closed-loop systems
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Old iPhone/iOS version of xDrip+, now replaced by Spike
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Insulin Sensitivity Factor - the amount by which one unit of insulin will reduce your blood glucose assuming that nothing else changes
Medtronic defines ISIG as: Interstitial Signal, signal measured by the sensor that is sent to the transmitter; it is used to calculate your sensor glucose value ( SG ).
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Type of connector used for plugging a LiPo battery into a PCB, such as an Explorer Board or Explorer HAT
An operating system used for an OpenAPS rig which uses an Intel Edison chip and Explorer Board
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A patch pump which comes in many colours. It is part of the DBLG1 closed-loop system by Diabeloop.
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Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. A less common variant of type 1 diabetes which often has a slower onset and develops later in life. Sometimes called type 1. 5
leaky reps
Our favourite kind of pharma company representative, those who accidentally (or not) leak information about things they shouldn't. We love those reps
When an insulin pump identifies an (impending) hypo using CGM data and automatically suspends a pump's basal rate until the glucose levels are safer. Seen as the first step on the 6-step APP development pathway. Used by pumps such as the Medtronic Veo
A glucose monitoring system made by Abbott, which provides interstitial glucose readings to a reader or phone via NFC and/or Bluetooth. If you're interested it's pronounced Lee-bray, but you can say Lee-bruh if you want, no-one will mind. The original version needs to be swiped with a reader using NFC. The second version, announced in October 2018, will also send alarm information to the reader via Bluetooth
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One of the first DIY designs to read Freestyle Libre data
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Open source mobile phone operating system based on Android. Often used to bring new features to older mobile phones. Typically used for xDrip or Android APS
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A lithium polymer battery, commonly used to power OpenAPS rigs and xDrip devices
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Runs on an OpenAPS rig to read Dexcom G5 data direct - and get offline looping
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Runs on an OpenAPS rig to read Dexcom G5 data direct - and get offline looping
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'Loop' (with a capital L) refers to the closed-loop software used on Apple devices, e. g. 'I've decided to use Loop, not AndroidAPS or OpenAPS. 'loop' (with a lower-case L) is a word describing all closed-loop versions, e. g. 'I'm reading up on what I need to do to loop'
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The worldwide Facebook group for people who are looping
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Someone who loops, i. e. uses a closed-loop system
Using a open-loop or closed-loop system
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The base code used for Loop
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low glucose suspend
see LGS
Meal Assist - used within OpenAPS to aid meal time adjustments
manual mode
On the MiniMed 670G used with Guardian 3 sensors, this mode enables predictive low glucose suspend and has user-defined (rather than algorithm defined/updated) basal profiles and insulin sensitivity. In this mode the MM670G operates very like the MM640G
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Mean Absolute Relative Difference
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Mean Blood Glucose
Multiple Daily Injections. Using injections to administer insulin in conjunction with basal/bolus
Meal Assist
see MA
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The company who make many things include insulin pumps and CGM
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The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Within the UK they regulate a lot of things, including medical devices etc.
A hardware NFC scanning device that is rechargable and waterproof and can be used in conjunction with Freestyle Libre to give CGM like functionality. Benefits include sending glucose readings to your phone (or smartwatch) every 5 minutes and also alarm on high or low glucose levels
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The second version of the MiaoMiao device, with a slightly different design and able to accomodate some of the newer models of the Freestyle Libre .
Any small correction bolus, often referred to as anything under 1 unit of insulin but differing opinions exist. Used by pump users mainly due to increments offered, although very possible with MDI with half-unit pens. Some looping systems use a version of this called SMB
An internet hosted database often used by Nightscout (and closed-loop) users to store their glucose, and insulin information for closed loop systems
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The OpenAPS process which finds the correct frequency for a loopable Medtronic insulin pump which will be different depending on the pump and whether it was a Worldwide model or for USA/Canada/Australia
Maturity onset diabetes of the young - a rare form of diabetes caused by an abnormality in a single gene
See Mlab
multi-wave bolus
A pump bolus which delivers a normal immediate bolus followed by a slow bolus delivered over an amount of time . Very useful for dealing with many foods such as pasta and pizza . Also known as dual-wave bolus or a combo bolus
Used to indicate the number of people for each individual DIY closed-loop system. It's n=1 as everyone has to build their own, so as of September 2018 the number of known loopers worldwide is (n=1)*872, because 872 built their own system (from common open source code)
negative IOB
Concept used in closed loops caused when negative TBRs have been used to give less insulin that the normal basal rate would have given
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The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
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A multiple use non-waterproof Libre reader, part of the Blucon range from Ambrosia Systems
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A personal web page that can display readings from a glucose sensor in a graph along with current level and trend arrow as well as pump dose information. The web page can be shared to allow remote monitoring of loved ones or share data with HCPs
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Noise refers to the readings produced from a CGM sensor are not smooth, where readings may go up, down, up, down, rather than in a nice smooth line. This oftens happens when using community apps like xDrip+ which often read the raw data and do not apply smoothing like the official Dexcom app does
Part of the AndroidAPS system which can be used stand alone to do Care Portal entries to Nightscout
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In looping terms this means that the closed-loop can run without an internet connection. Some OpenAPS set ups rely on an internet connection to work, although it is possible to make it work offline without too much trouble. Both Loop and AndroidAPS work offline by default
Open Humans
A web site where people can explore, analyse and donate their data. Used as part of the OpenAPS Data Commons
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open source
Open source refers to software where the programming code is also shared publicly and available for anyone to inspect, use or clone and modify. Open source is often s
Open source Artificial Pancreas System - an open and transparent software system to create a basic Artificial Pancreas System allowing a glucose level reading device to trigger an action on an insulin delivery device
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OpenAPS Data Commons
Where people with diabetes can donate their anonymous glucose and pump data to allow it to be used in analysis by medical researchers
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A system where an app recommends actions to take to manage glucose levels. An examples are AndroidAPS or HAPP which can suggest a TBR to be manually performed on an insulin pump
OpenAPS Reference Design Version 0 - The original (Version 0) OpenAPS reference algorithm
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OpenAPS Reference Design Version 1 - An updated OpenAPS reference algorithm introducing features such as SMB
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On The Go - Refers to a specific type of phone and/or USB cable that within the #WeAreNotWaiting world is used to connect a glucose uploader device to a mobile phone
Cloud based logging service. Can be used with OpenAPS to send logs of everything happening within the rig up to the cloud for remote viewing
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Parakeet is a portable home-built device which receives wireless signals from a commercial continuous G4 glucose sensor worn on the body. It transmits these over the phone network to a private or cloud internet server
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patch pump
A tubeless pump, such as the Omnipod or Kaleido
patched app
Commonly refers to a version of the Dexcom Android phone app which has been changed by the DIY community to allow it to run on more models, rather than the quite limited list of officially supported phones
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Printed Circuit Board. The Explorer Board and Explorer HAT are good examples
Pebble was one of the original smartwatches and the first to be used to display Nightscout BG on. Pebble as a company has been bought out by Fitbit but the devices still work to show BG readings from Nightscout
Patient Glycemic Status. PGS measures your GVI+ mean glucose+ time in range and presents it in a single number that is closely related to your glycemic state/management
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A core component of a newer OpenAPS rig which comes with a screen, containing an Pi0WH and an Explorer HAT
Raspberry Pi Zero With Headers. A newer version of the Raspberry Pi, for use in an OpenAPS rig
Raspberry Pi 3. Another Raspberry Pi version which can be used in an OpenAPS rig
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When an insulin pump predicts an impending hypo using CGM data and automatically suspends a pump's basal rate until the glucose levels are safer. An advanced version of LGS and seen as the second step on the 6-step APP development pathway. Used by, the Medtronic 640G pump via SmartGuard and the Tandem t:slim x2 via Basal-IQ
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Makers of the CT-100 CGM system
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Parent Of a Child With Diabetes
Pull Request. Can be used to adding and editing information within GitHub
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The art of performing a bolus a short or long time before eating, which means the insulin can start to work before/as the carbs kick in to raise the glucose level
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prediction curve
Used with Nightscout and other tools to indicate possible future glucose levels based on carb and insulin data
prediction line
Used to show where a closed-loop system expects glucose values will go
predictive low glucose suspend
see PLGS
Putting on a new CGM sensor before you the old one stops, so that it works better from the first moment you use it and avoids possible jumpiness in readings on the first day
Often refers to the area within Nightscout where basal rates, ISF, I:C and DIA are defined. It is possible to have more than one profile, and with AndroidAPS which uses the profiles you can switch easily between profiles
profile switch
With the ability to have many profiles (ISR, I:C, DIA) to stop using the current one and use a different one you do a profile switch
pull request
See PR
A way of receiving notifications from a Nightscout site
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A program which can be used to connect to an OpenAPS rig from a Windows computer
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Person With Diabetes - the correct way of describing a. . . . erm. . . . person with diabetes, rather than call refer to them as diabetic which they may not like
In OpenAPS the radio is part of the Explorer HAT or Explorer Board and enables communications with the pump. The boards also have a place to plug in an extra antenna to extend communication distance/quality
rage bolus
When your BG is higher than you want, you bolus, it does nothing, you bolus again, it does nothing, and repeat. Unlike in the dictionary rage bolus is often followed by hypo
Raspberry PI
The heart of the first design OpenAPS systems
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Raw Data - A glucose sensor reading direct from the sensor without any (calibration/smoothing) algorithm applied to it
Radio Frequency. The way a Rileylink or a OpenAPS rig communicate with a loopable Medtronic pump
The hardware components for the OpenAPS system
A DIY community designed and built device which allows Loop to send instructions to an old Medtronic insulin pump
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Rise of the Machines
An event organised to bring together medical companies and people using looping systems, which first took place in February 2018. Since then there have been more in London, one in Scotland and one planned for Northern Ireland
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see Rileylink
Maker of, amongst other things, the Accu-chek Combo and Insight insulin pumps, which can be used with AndroidAPS
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Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitor . In my view it's not a required term as CGM results should be sent continuously. rtCGM only seemed to be coined when people started referring to Freestyle Libre and CGM, which confused some
An early experimental release of open source software that allows your Android mobile phone to communicate with Roche AccuChek pumps
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safe mode
Part of the algorithm for the MiniMed 670G. When in 'auto mode' if irregularities in sensor signal or values are detected the pump can temporarily enable a safe mode which uses a flat basal profile based on the users previous recent basal requirements. The maximum time in safe mode is 90 minutes
Sensor Age - How many days a sensor has been active. Shown on Nightscout sites
Sensor Augmented Pump - an insulin pump where CGM sensor data can be viewed/used on the pump. Some pumps will use the sensor information to adjust basal insulin using LGS
Sensor Glucose value - used in place of BG where the value has come from a CGM .
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see SG
Refers to Dexcom Share, where data from certain Dexcom systems is sent to and stored on Dexcom servers. This can be use with their Follow apps, plus Nightscout (etc. ) can pull data from these servers
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Medtronic's implementation on the 640G of PLGS
Super Micro Bolus. Used by some looping systems to deliver a minute amount of insulin mostly when blood glucose is rising
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Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose
A shortened version of Social Media. Places such as Twitter or Facebook groups where you'll often find members of the DOC
South Korean pump manufacturer, whose Dana pumps work under warranty with AndroidAPS
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Spare A Rose
#SpareARose is a campaign where people donate the cost of one of more roses they would have given to their loved one on Valentine's Day. The campaign raises funds for the Life for a Child program, which supports over 18, 500 young people with diabetes in 42 countries
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iPhone app which can read CGM data from many sources and send info onto a smartwatch and elsewhere. Used a lot to send data to a Nightscout web site
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split bolus
Another name for a multi-wave bolus but also used in MDI when more than one bolus is done for a meal
square-wave bolus
An extended bolus for Medtronic pumps
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Secure Shell is a way of connecting to an OpenAPS rig
standard bolus
A pump bolus which delivers an amount of insulin immediately
A normal bolus but with the addition of an amount of units 'borrowed' from the forthcoming basal, which is then set to 0 for the period borrowed. As an example, if basal is 1u per hour and a food bolus is 5u, for a superbolus you could borrow 1u from the forthcoming hour's basal, to give 6u up front, and putting on a zero-temp for one hour
see SMB
Scientific Wild Ass Guess. As in "I've no idea how many carbs are in this cake, I'll just SWAG it"
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t:slim X2
Insulin pump made by Tandem which is set to be a closed loop pump with its Control-IQ technology
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A common acronym for Type 1 Diabetes
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A common acronym for Type 1 Diabetes
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Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The official term for Type 1 Diabetes. Also known as IDDM
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Talking About Diabetes - an annual TED talk style day in the UK, with talks from people who live with Type 1 Diabetes, or are carers of PWD . Not specifically tech related by the first ever TAD Talks in 2016 saw Wes, one of the WeAreNotWaiting community's greatest people talk about the DIY world - see the 2016 videos under TAD TALK VIDEOS on the site linked below
The insulin pump manufacturer which has the t:slim X2 pump which is set to be a closed-loop pump with its Control-IQ technology
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A temporary basal rate set for a period of time. At the heart of all DIY closed-loop systems which often set TBRs which last for 30 minutes
Not one TBR, lots of them
temporary basal
see TBR
temporary target
A different target BG range which is set for a duration of time. All closed-loop systems will use this as the new target BG range until the duration is reached, after which it reverts to the normal target
tethered pump
A standard insulin pump with a tube for the insulin
tethered pumping
Use of a low dose of basal insulin alongside pumping to reduce the risk of DKA in the event of pump failure
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Usually refers to Bluetooth tethering but might also be referring to tethered pumping
Tidepool is a not-for-profit company who, like Bigfoot, have many employees who have been core in the development and support of many WeAreNotWaiting projects, such as Loop. Tidepool are working on getting Tidepool Loop available for people to use, making the entry point into looping easier for many
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Time In Range
Time in Range - A percentage of how much time you have spent in your personal glucose target range. People using closed loop systems are often proud of their high percentage and feel this gives a better indication than HbA1c
Trans am
A single-use waterproof Libre reader, part of the Blucon range from Ambrosia Systems
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Un-announced Meal. From the OpenAPS guide "UAM provides an alternative method (in addition to or instead of carb entry) for detecting and safely dosing insulin in response to significant BG rises, whether they are due to meals, adrenaline, or any other reason. ". It may also refer to an OpenAPS prediction line
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Unicorns are precious, firstly because it can mean when your BG hits 100mg/dL or 5. 5mmol/L; it can mean when your CGM reading is exactly the same as your BG meter; lastly though unicorns feature in many of Dana M Lewis's presentations about looping, plus they appear on the Explorer Hat. So, as Dana once said "Unicorn: because, why not"
Urchin is a watchface which displays lots of the information loopers with OpenAPS like to see, such as the CGM graph, the TBRs and projection of future BG level
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virtual pump
Used with AndroidAPS when you don't have a compatible pump to connect it to but still want to try out the software in open-loop mode
a SWAG but with less science
Collective term for anyone or anything which is done by the community to make our own or someone else's life with diabetes easier. Because we can, so we should
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An enhanced version of the xDrip device, which also sends the xBridge rig's battery status to Nightscout
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xCode is the integrated development environment you need to use to build your own Loop app for your Apple device
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Refers to a device designed in 2014, created from three circuit boards and wired together by the DIY user. Was originally called DexDrip
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Android phone app which can read CGM data from many sources and send info onto a smartwatch and elsewhere. Used a lot to send data to a Nightscout web site
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Code which runs on an OpenAPS rig and via Bluetooth Tethering reads data direct from the xDrip+ Android app
All the components for an xDrip device, together in a single package which requires minimal soldering. Much easier than making a xDrip from scratch, then again you lose the fun of putting it all in your chosen container, i. e. a Tic Tac box
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Your Diabetes May Vary - everyone's different, just because something works for you it might not for the next person
zero temp
When an insulin pump is set to deliver 0% of it's normal basal rate, usually for a short period of time. At the heart of first DIY closed-loop systems
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Your dictionary team are: Kev Winchcombe (@oceantragic), Dr Anna Dover (@dr_annarachel) and Paul Niven (@NiVZ)